Milk and Honey

So now that the mount woes are a thing of the past, I can get on with imaging. I've started doing just that. Over the last few sessions I have been able to photograph lrgbHaOIIISII images of the dumbbell nebula and the Veil nebula. Since the nights were all good for imaging, I did not do any processing. I just gathered data. I also didn't get flats because I just don't want to take the whole thing outside to do it. I was too excited to see the different filter results so I just switched without flats. Since then I've gotten a LED panel that makes flats easier. I tried to get flats the other day and got an error: Can't select ADU of 12000 with only 8bits of data.

8bits of data!!!!! 

So this kind of stopped everything. I spent all this time and money getting everything right, and now I can't get the full data?!! So I spent quite a bit of time trying everything to get the full resolution out of the 1600. After quite a bit of effort and help from the Indi developers I was able to change my usb settings and get the full 12 bits (in a 16 bit container) worth of data. Sad story link here. So my Veil and Dumbbell photos are not so good really since they're clipped down to 8bit. OH well. I can't wait to try again, this time with flats and all of those glorious 12 bits. 

Side Story: The guiding with the mount has been rock solid. I had the worm quite a bit too loose, but was still getting guiding around 1 RMS. I tightened it up a bit and it was getting anywhere from 1 RMS (seeing limited), down to 0.4RMS when things were good!

16 bits baby!
